7 Ways to Consistently Land Speaking Engagements for Authors

You have excelled as a speaker, wowed audiences, and gained a good reputation. But let’s admit it, keeping a calendar jam-packed with speaking engagements can feel like a persistent race. So, how do you keep a steady stream of speaking opportunities?

In this article, we will give you helpful strategies to make sure you keep getting chances to speak your knowledge with different groups of people. Here are seven ways to consistently land speaking engagements for authors:

7 ways to consistently land on speaking engagements for Authors

1. Build your Online Presence

Make the most of your website and social media to showcase how good you are at speaking. Be active on Facebook, Tweeter, Instagram, and YouTube and interact with your audience; reply to comments and answer questions. Upload reels and stories, and share clips from your past talks so people can see how you present ideas. Also, join various FB groups that will connect you with speakers and authors. Include comments from people who attended your talks, and highlight how they liked it. Talk about the theme of your book online, giving your audience a taste of the interesting things you have written.

Building an online presence takes time and effort, but it’s a worthwhile investment. By doing all this online, you make it easier for event organizers who are looking for good speakers to notice you. It’s like putting a spotlight on your work and speaking skills, making it more likely that you will get invited to share your book and connect with different groups of people.

2. Get listed on Speaker Directories

Getting listed on speaker directories can be significantly helpful for authors seeking gigs. Being listed puts you directly in front of potential clients who are searching for speakers on specific topics related to your expertise or book content. Websites like SpeakerHub, ProSpeaker, and The Talent Bank connect speakers with other organizers and potential clients. Register and build your profile with detailed information about your expertise and speaking topics. Being listed in a directory alongside other reputable speakers can position you as an expert in the field. This can also enhance your credibility as an author and attract more speaking opportunities.

3. Craft a Compelling Pitch

A Speaker’s pitch can be a valuable tool for speakers seeking to book engagements and get paid. It’s your first impression, it serves as your initial introduction, providing a chance to capture attention and stand out from the crowd. Crafting a powerful pitch is necessary to land a speaking engagement; it needs to be concise, attractive, and make an impact. Here are some steps to help you craft a good pitch:

Know your Audience: It is important to research about the event and their target audience. Know their interests, identify the challenges they face, know what kind of content would they find valuable, and tailor your pitch to their specific needs and interests

Highlight your Expertise: Briefly introduce yourself and your area of expertise and show how it aligns with your specific challenges and goals. Clearly share what you specialize in and why you are qualified in that area. Also, use specific examples and achievements to showcase your expertise.

Focus on the benefits: Don’t just talk about yourself. Focus on emphasizing how your talk can benefit the audience; what they can learn and how it can help them improve their lives. Help the audience see how your talk can empower them.

Offer Solutions, not just insights: Make sure to do more than just point out the problem; provide clear steps or framework they can use after your talk. Demonstrate how your knowledge can be turned into practical benefits for them.

Keep in mind that effective pitches stand out by being distinctive, applicable, and compelling. So, add your personality and passion to make your pitch stand out.

4. Aim for relevant Organizations

Targeting relevant speakers’ organizations is important for speakers who are aiming to connect with various audiences, establish credibility, and actively participate in worldwide discussions. The benefits go beyond the stage, offering networking opportunities, and spreading influential ideas. For speakers, associating with these respected organizations is a smart move that can boost your career.

Here are globally recognized and influential organizations that can propel your speaking career forward:

TED: A non-profit organization that seeks to spread ideas through various initiatives like TED Conferences, TEDx, and TED Talks.

Toastmasters International: While Toastmasters International doesn’t directly book speaking gigs to its members, the organization connects you with a diverse group of professionals from various backgrounds. This network can be a valuable resource for finding speaking opportunities.

99U: Allows authors to speak about their work in a few different ways like Articles and interviews, Podcasts, Events, and Social Media.

The Moth: A non-profit organization dedicated to the art of storytelling. This is a virtual platform created by a company called Moth Software. It is used for online meetings, webinars, and other virtual events.

Fellowship of Companies for Christ International: FCCI hosts regional and international conferences and events that provide opportunities for learning, networking, and spiritual growth. They also provide a variety of resources, such as books, articles, and videos, on topics related to faith and work,

We encourage you to do research and learn as much as you can about the organizations mentioned above. Also, talk to other speakers you have given talks on these platforms to get their insights and advice.

5. Volunteer to speak at events

Regardless of how big or small the event is, it is still a venue for exposure which can help increase visibility and credibility. Don’t forget to record your talks and use them as part of your speaking portfolio. Positive feedback from organizers and audiences, along with photos and videos of your talk, can be used as testimonials and marketing materials to enhance your professional profile and secure paid gigs.

6. Explore Podcast and Webinars

Consider leveraging multiple platforms. In today’s digital world, virtual events are just as important as traditional in-person ones. To make the most of this trend, combine speaking at live events with online content creation like podcasts, blogs, and vlogs to amplify your reach and build a wider following.

Additionally, think about hosting webinars, teaming up with writing podcasts, or even setting up your Podcast. At Spirit Media, we can assist you with your Podcast production. Just visit  Spirit Media website to learn more. These online platforms can help you reach more audiences and grab the attention of event organizers looking for interesting speakers.

The internet allows you to connect with a global audience, expanding your influence and making a mark in the digital space. By embracing these new methods, you not only engage more people but also show that you are keeping up with modern event practices.

7. Collaborate with Book Bloggers and Influencers

Build connections with book bloggers, influencers, and reviewers. When you collaborate with these important people, you open up opportunities to get positive reviews and mentions and give you a greater chance to be noticed by event organizers looking for interesting speakers.

The influence of book bloggers, influencers, and reviewers is important for their support can help you boost your reputation. By building smart connections with these people, you not only become more visible in the writing world but also position yourself as someone excited for speaking opportunities. 

Final Thoughts

Collaborate with Book Bloggers and Influencers

Remember, securing continuous speaking engagements is a long-term effort. It involves planning, making connections, and giving your best. By building a strong online presence, cultivating your niche, networking smartly, leveraging testimonials, and consistently creating content, you position yourself as a sought-after speaker. Following these strategies will not only ensure a steady flow of speaking opportunities but also leave a lasting impact on your audience. 

Let Spirit Media partner with you to book your speaking engagements. Requests a call from us today. 

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